
Can I stop over in Tanzania during my stay and then return to Kenya on the same visa?

The e-Visa for Tanzania is a document issued by the government of the country in question, with the distinctive feature that it is processed electronically. It is sent by e-mail, enabling citizens of authorised countries to hold a passport valid for six months. Contrary to popular belief, the procedure for obtaining an e-Visa is less complex. We'll tell you more here.

How do I obtain an e-Visa for Tanzania?

In November 2018, the government of Tanzania decided to issue online visas for tourism purposes. Visiting Tanzania is possible for any citizen of an eligible country. However, certain formalities must be fulfilled. The procedure for obtaining the electronic version of the visa involves three stages: filling in the form online, pay the visa fee and receive your visa. If you want to visit the country or even do business there, the formalities are simplified.

Visiting the island of Zanzibar is subject to the same formalities. Once in the country, you can stay for around 3 months. Most countries are eligible. To obtain a Tanzanian e-Visa, it takes a minimum of 5 days on average. There is also a single fee.

It is also vital to know which places of arrival are covered by the e-Visa. Three airports and two land borders are involved. These are Julius Nyerere, Kilimanjaro and Zanzibar airports. The borders are at Namanga and Tunduma.

How to get to Kenya

Thanks to its proximity to Tanzania, visiting Kenya is possible with a visa. There's nothing to worry about here. It's an online procedure, with no need to travel. To apply for an e-Visa for Kenya, you need to fill in a form and attach a photocopy of your passport to confirm your details.

You can enter Kenya from 10 airports, 10 ports and 11 land borders. You do not need to know anyone on Kenyan soil to complete the formalities. However, you must be out of the country when you apply for your visa. The conditions for obtaining a Kenyan e-Visa are virtually identical to those for a Tanzanian e-Visa. At the time, it allowed holders to travel to Tanzania and then back to Kenya without having to pay again, but since 1 January 2021 this has no longer been possible..

The costs of issuing the electronic document are fixed and clearly detailed. Similarly, the validity period does not exceed 90 days. If the visa applicant comes from a country such as France, Belgium or Switzerland, he or she must obtain an electronic visa. However, it is important to know whether your country of origin is eligible for the e-Visa, as some countries are exempt. Here we see that the Kenya visa can be requested for transit purposes, which is not the case for the Tanzanian visa.